This piece was one of my favorites because of how cute it is, and it shows art that inspired technology. I used art to draw the seal, cut it into pieces, and color it. I used technology to take pictures of the seal in different positions, and I used the computer to make the seal appear to be moving in a cycle. The art that I used to create the seal inspired the use of technology to try and make the seal move. I thought that the seal was too cute to just be a simple drawing of a seal, so I wanted to make it move with the use of technology.
In this piece I used technology to make art. I used technology to take all of the individual pictures of Kara, the jump rope. the sport court, the USA Jump Rope logo, the frames, and of me. Then through photoshop to cut Kara and I out of our pictures, change the color of the inside of our frames, and in general just piece the picture together. In the end it created art that was nothing like any of the individual pictures. Kara and I are on different jump rope teams and using technology I was able to create art that showed the battle that we go through at competitions.
This project was one that was worked on by a big group of students from our class. If I remember right it was Kara, Megan, Ashley, Grayson, Chris, Caitlin, and I. We collaborated a lot to create this dog. We were all constantly asking each other to back up and look at the dog to make sure that it looked right because we all wanted the dog to turn out really good. Kara drew the dog in her sketchbook and inspired us to draw it on the street. She helped us figure out the size to make the dog so it would stay proportional to the size it was when she drew it. Without Kara we wouldn't have even had the idea to create the dog on the street. We all worked together really well and the end result turned out to be very close to the original.
This project was my most successful because I actually managed to make Carter's stick arms look like they are my arms. I didn't think that this picture was going to work out nearly as well as it did, and I am very happy with it. I solved problems because I had to clone my hair to make it where my arms used to be because my arms were in a slightly different position than his were. I also had to blend our skin tones to make it look more realistic. I developed my art skills because before this project I had never been able to successfully use the clone tool on anything, and after I was able to use it to make it look like I actually have hair where I don't.
If I had to choose one project from this year to do again it would have to be the light art. It sort of worked, but right as we were finally starting to get it class ended. If we were to redo this I would want to make the room even darker because everything we did had a red light in it because the red paper was too thin. Also since we would already know how to do the light art from last time so we would hopefully be able to get much better pictures this time. We could even try some completely different designs with the light from what we did before.
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